
Junior Youth Spiritual Empowerment Program

“Although your realities are shaped by a broad diversity of circumstances, yet a desire to bring about constructive change and a capacity for meaningful service, both characteristic of your stage of life, are neither limited to any race or nationality, nor dependent upon material means. This bright period of youth you share is experienced by all—but it is brief, and buffeted by numerous social forces. How important it is, then, to strive to be among those who, in the words of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, ‘plucked the fruit of life’.” — The Universal House of Justice


What is the Junior Youth Spiritual Empowerment Program?

The participants of this group are junior youth between the ages of 12 and 15. This is a crucial period of a junior youth’s life as their consciousness is expanding and, day by day, they are becoming increasingly exposed to the forces of society.

The older youth that acts as a guide to the junior youth is referred to as an “Animator”. The role of an Animator is to assist the junior youth in developing their capacities, encouraging them to contribute to the betterment of society as well as encouraging them to question the world around them. Most importantly, an Animator must strive to become a true friend to the junior youth.


Making a Difference

Junior youth groups can make a significant difference in communities, neighborhoods, villages and even the world at large! When junior youth become spiritually empowered, they take on tremendous amounts of responsibility to contribute to the betterment of society. A junior youth group has the potential to change their surroundings through the service projects that they do, keeping in mind that change is most sustainable when their efforts are consistent. With countless groups around the globe, youth are already moving the world! -

Visit the official Baha’i Community website to learn more about Junior Youth and Early Adolescence programs

Get in touch

If you are interested in the Junior Youth Empowerment Program or in receiving information about the materials, service projects, etc.,
please call or text (520) 393-0930 or complete the Get in Touch form.
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